
The price of Bulbus Liliies remains stable in Xiluo Township, Longshan County, Hunan Province

source:Yaotongwang  Market:BoZhou  To view:447times  time:2024-11-18 11:13:00.0


As the price of Bulbus Lilii increases, the purchasing power of merchants weakens, and the flow of goods is not as smooth as before. However, the willingness of merchants holding goods to sell is also not high, and the market basically maintains stable operation. The current unified loading transaction price is between 80-85 yuan; The planting of this product has ended, and the planting area this year has increased compared to last year.

 (This information is provided by Mr. Tan 18574331990 from Xiluo Township Information Station, Longshan County, Hunan Province )

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